Monday, May 14, 2012

Gradiva (C'est Gradiva qui vous appelle)

France 2006

Details imdb

Seen 13 May 2012

Obsessions and consequences

IMDB 5.8/10
Rotten Tomatoes Audience 42% liked it
A search into the past has repercussions for the present. One man's diligence brings him to another world. Mysterious, dangerous and tragic endings. I'll give the film a 6.0/10 for the strong images that might seem disjointed but does convey the mix of illusions and reality faced by the protagonist.

My impressions:

Dreams and reality
There does not seem to be a boundary
Between them

The search into the past
Forbidden love

All the dreams and
Seems so real
Where does the dream end and
Reality begin

The past encroaches
Into the present
Then it is not a dream anymore
It has become a reality

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